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Returns & Exchanges

Order & Buy With Confidence

We gladly accept returns or exchanges on unused, non-final sale items within 14 days.

The 14 days begin when the items arrive and are signed for at the shipping address. This can be confirmed via your order’s tracking number and information.

  1. All returned merchandise must be returned with the original invoice in its original packaging, unworn, and unaltered.
  2. Customers are responsible for all return shipping costs. If you choose, we can also provide a return shipping label for your convenience and deduct the charges from your refund total. The amount of deducted charge will vary based on the value of the piece purchased.
  3. When shipping returns or exchanges we recommend that you use a trackable service such as FedEx or UPS and that you purchase insurance for the full amount of the item. We will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or mishandled packages.
  4. Please be sure to have the correct sizes for any and all purchases, such as rings, chain length for necklaces, and bracelets. Ring sizer can be provided after first order upon request for future use.
  5. We are not responsible for the maintenance of your jewelry and will not accept returns or exchanges for any items damaged by mistreatment, exposure to water, sweat, fragrance, beauty products or other chemicals.
  6. Once we receive the returned merchandise, we will do a thorough inspection. Once approved, we will notify you and initiate the refund.

4819 S. Monarch Pl, Ontario, CA 91762
639 S. Hill St., Booth B-5, Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: (626) 420-8718

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